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Burn Belly -Two Magical Substances That Allow You To Burn Fat Faster & Create Lasting Health

Burn Belly -Two Magical Substances That Allow You To Burn Fat Faster & Create Lasting Health

In all of my experimentation and research on the subject of nutrition for fast fat burning, health and fitness over the last 10+ years, I’ve discovered 2 magical substances that can have a dramatic effect on whether or not you burn body fat and keep it off, or hang on to it like a security blanket.

What are these magical agents of fat burning wizardry? Water and Fiber.  Everyone has heard that water is important for health, but even still, most people don’t drink enough water.

Water is also vital to your fat burning efforts and maintaining a lean body.   After all, our bodies are about 65-70% water.  We need water in our bodies more than we need food.

The body can survive for much longer without food that without water.

Now, this is very important…dehydration will totally kill your chances of burning fat, because the body interprets this as a state of shock.

It shifts its focus on getting water and stops doing other things, like burning body fat for energy.

And here’s even more helpful info about the power of water.

Try this little trick to burn even more calories…try and drink most if not all of your water in ice cold form.

First of all, it typically tastes better ice cold, and every time you drink an ounce of ice cold water, your body must burn about a calorie in the process of warming the water to your current body temperature.

Keep your water intake to 100 ounces per day,  and you’ll burn an extra 100 calories and burn more fat!

The other magical substance is Fiber.  Great sources of fiber include various whole grain products, fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and beans.

Processed foods, however, are poor sources of fiber.  Also, watch out for high fiber cereals as many of these are also high in sugar.

On top of the fat burning benefits, fiber has been linked to the prevention of various conditions including heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

If you combine that focus with a diet of nutrient rich foods and a properly conducted resistance exercise program, you’ll be on your way to burning more fat faster, and maximizing your genetic potential for a lean, strong, and healthy body.

Burn Belly-A Simple Change In Mindset Will Burn More Fat Fast

Most people that I talk to about health and fitness talk about “getting in shape”.

But I don’t think they realize that their words are actually counterproductive to their aspirations of burning fat.

You hear a lot of people lamenting about being out of shape and saying, “I need to get in shape and burn fat”, or, “I want to get in shape and burn fat.”

What you don’t hear them saying is, “I want to get in shape, burn fat, and stay that way.”

They may want to stay in shape, but their mindset is focused on getting in shape.

This makes you more susceptible to the fad diets and latest exercise gimmick on the market.

A simple change in the “quick fix” mindset to one of long term success will steer you down the correct path.

You’ll be less enticed by the late night TV hype, and more focused on doing the right things most of the time.  Wouldn’t you agree that life long health and fitness is what’s most important?

Of course creating an environment in your body that allows you to burn fat fast is essential to this goal.  It’s a rare mindset.

"Am I doing everything I reasonable can to burn fat and live a healthy lifestyle?".

The good news is that research shows you can develop simple habits like those involved in eating and exercising properly in under a month…sometimes even sooner.

And with the type of exercise and diet tips I recommend to my Fat Burning Furnace students, you don’t need o give up your life’s pursuits so that you are working out every day,  nor do you need to follow a wacky diet you can’t reasonably make a lifestyle out of.

Because your body naturally wants to be healthy and lean.

So I urge you to forgo the “get in shape” mindset, and instead embrace the idea of staying in shape and creating that fat burning furnace that is so essential to life long health and fitness.